Mobile Pressure Washing and City Contracts

Many mobile pressure-washing companies turn to government contacts to make money. It is very easy to acquire such municipal contracts for cleaning, as the government needs some cleaning up. The cities generally have a fiscal year starting in June, so you want to check on the available contracts around the end of March to see what is coming up, which departments will have budget monies available and also go and visit the local department heads to see what is needed. Believe me even local cities waste money and you may as well get some. If this bothers you, then make the money and donate some to a candidate who promises to trim some of the fat next year.

Once you get city contracts you are more likely to get county contracts as all the different department heads talk with each other and often the procurement people at the county are on first name basis with the city purchasing departments. Also, it is easy to get school district contracts, county government contracts, park district contracts, law enforcement contracts and car dealership contracts when you can drop the city name as a reference.

Police cars and trash trucks are great fleet accounts. Plus, you won't get any speeding or parking tickets if you wash police cars. Also, police officers know everybody. And, if a policeman in a black and white waves at you in a busy intersection that means you must be pretty good guys and it helps business. Think of all the vehicles the city operates? Building and safety, code enforcement, sewer department, buses, pool cars; let