Chromium 6 - Our Guest from Hollywood

I am Dr Patrick Flanagan, and this is the latest edition of my Dr Health Secrets newsletter.

Lately I have written about toxins in our water and food supply. This installment is about a toxin that got a lot of attention in Hollywood. This newsletter is about chromium 6 and its effects on your body.

Hollywood, Hollywood, Here I Come...

My guest today in my focus on toxic water can easily say, and with confidence, that it owes all of its success and great notice to one little Hollywood movie.

Yes, that movie was year 2000's Erin Brockovich, starring the caustic chromium 6, and co-starring the fabulous Mrs. Julia Roberts. The film publicized the chromium 6 poisoning of Hinkley, California by the powerful and successful PG and E Corporation, which ultimately resulted in an Oscar win for Julia Roberts, and the highlighting of a growing concern over toxic chemical plants and their poisoning of public drinking water.

Chromium-6 is used in dyes, pigments, leather tanning, wood preserving, and chrome plating.

Chromium-6 is a by-product of metal plating and is classified as a carcinogen when inhaled as particles or fumes. When chromium-6 gets into water, the effects are equally as damaging.

Out of 1,591 National Priority List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1,036 were found to have chromium-6 in them.

Scientists as well as many health officials argue that no level of chromium 6 is safe for the human body. Water officials, however, argue that there is no scientific proof that any of these allegations are true. These