Potty Training Resistance - Is Your Child Resisting Your Potty Training Efforts?

Potty Training Resistance

From your perspective, your child is resisting all your efforts to be potty trained. You have tried it all and are feeling frustrated because you cannot understand why your precious child does not want to co-operate with you!!

Think about the issue from your child's perspective.

The first thing I want you to think about is how you feel about your parents. Do you want your parents to be proud of your achievements? Do you have a desire to please your parents? Even as an adult, our desire to please our parents is very strong. So, try and imagine how strong this desire is when you are a toddler.

So, know and be reassured, that most typical children have a strong desire to please their parents and if have communicated to them your desire to have them go in the potty instead of the diapers, they do indeed want to do that, but for cannot fulfill your desires. Not only is this frustrating for you, but it is also frustrating for the child who really does want to please his/her parents.

So approach this from your child's perspective and hopefully you can figure out what the issues are.

Children are often unable to explain the problems they have with our parenting techniques, and you child's only option may be to resist your effort to potty train or toilet train him/her. When trying to discern the reasons behind the resistance, it may help to quickly review the following common causes:

So, figure out which one of these reasons could be the cause of potty training resistance and then develop and plan to help you child work through the issue you have identified.

Need some more information? Our detailed article on Potty Training Resistance will provide you with more information on each one of the reasons mentioned above and may help you pinpoint your child's reason for resisting your potty training efforts.

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EzineArticles Expert Author Narmin Parpia

Narmin Parpia, inventor of the Potty Training in One Day