Liberal Media

The liberal media is always making reference to how they do things in places like Germany and how we should do what they are doing. They never mention the problems there or economic looming crisis. They fail to mention the substandard services that the government is actually delivering to the people there. I recently had a conversation with a few liberal fellows who told me what a great country Germany is. Yet Germany has an unemployment rate of over 18% and taxes as high as 78%, but alas you can wait in line for free Health Care? Forget it. The medias job is to report news and leave the opinions for the opinion segment, column, section, or time slot. Biased news is bad for people. It forms opinions, which are incorrect and contrary to the incredible success, wealth and health of the Nation.

During times of political charge approaching elections it is rather obvious to see the attacks flying and the reporters injecting opinion. Obviously they do not have the balls to stand on the corner and yell out those thoughts. They hide like little prisses behind a voice mailbox that is full, too busy to discuss the real issues with people in the know. Then when you actually meet these people face to face they are the snippyest little, wimpiest little, good for nothing, pansy ass, pencil neck geeks. Why is this? Too much abuse in the sand box as kids. I