What Does It Take

What does it take to make people realize that we live in the United States, an how important it is to buy things that are built in this country, if you don't think so, just ask the Ford motor company, who's chomping at the bit, just to stay alive in this economy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on here, people have quit supporting our country and it's products, and this is a sad thing to see happening in the USA, I think it's all due to the ignorance of the people that call themselves Americans, and when it come time to prove it, they turn their backs on our country. By not supporting our countries business and its products, they are in essence pushing the knife in deeper and giving it a big twist, helping their own country lose business, and the Ford motor company going out of business is a good example of this display, of the blatant disregard for our way of living in the USA. This is all a part of the lower crust of our country trying to push it's bottom feeding habits on everybody around them, if people cared about our country, it seems to me that maybe they could support it. Of course what I mean by support our country, I mean buy things that are made in the USA, and made by our people that work for companies in the United States. Or if you don't want to do this, then don't whine when the company that you work for has to give you a decrease in pay, or gives you less hours at work to make up for monetary losses that they had due to a drop in business, and when they can't afford to hire skilled labor any more, and start to hire illegal aliens to replace you, just look in the mirror to find the cause of the problem, it's you to blame, and nobody else. So don't whine about the economy, or your low pay or anything else to do with money, it's all of you people that don't by American products that are causing the problem. Muscle car restoration Automotive Links Muscle car information