To Be A Cut Above The Rest!

Mannerisms and personality traits go a long way in making impressions on other people. Some people unknowingly have mannerisms, which humor others. Some people have mannerisms, which obviously show that they are tense - wiping their face with a handkerchief or nervously twiddling their thumbs or even a lot of stammering when they talk.

During a conversation with someone, smile for no reason, and people start wondering what is happening to us. Even smiles have to be rationed in order to present us as a sane person.

Notice speakers in public forums tapping the microphone 3 or 4 times, have a bout of cough, clear their throat before starting a speech. These actions obviously create an expectation among people that they would be hearing an interesting speech. When a boy and a girl talks to each other one can observe how the guy has a foolish grin on his face all the time while the girl nods her head and keep raising the eyebrows and flutter her eyelashes.

Some are found to eat upto their last morsel of food in the plate and keep licking till the plate dries off. This happens in places where eating with hand and not using spoon is a practice. They don