
If anyone on this planet asks me (again) why I am afraid to get into an airplane, I will refer them to an article that appeared on this morning: "Study: Disgruntled Workers Likely Saboteurs". [1]

According to this piece, The Department of Homeland Security (yes they've finally come out with something useful) has discovered that grumpy, out-of-sorts, bad mood, carrying-a-chip-on-their-shoulders, disgruntled employees sabotage their work. Are we talking here major Passive-Aggressive wackos or what?

This ought to scare you to death!

I have worked on "The Management" as well as "The Managed" side of all sorts of jobs. I have seen this psycho-wacko behavior on more than one occasion.

Once I was working on "The Managed" side of a company that made all manner of surgical supplies. One such item they made was a heart catheter. It was rated with a natural 4 percent failure rate