Finding The Right Replacement Windows

Windows are the eyes of a home. From inside, you see the outside world through them. It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. For a home, you can gain a sense of its character by examining its windows.

Windows are the primary source of natural light for a room, but they are so much more. They give a home beauty and personality. The decision to replace them is an important one. Replacements can affect the feel of the home for inhabitants and provide the opportunity for significant energy savings. They can dramatically change the value of the property when it comes time to sell the home.

Types of replacement windows

There are many types of replacement windows to fit the varied styles of home architecture. Some of the more popular styles include the following.

Casements have one or two panes. They are hinged on one side and open by rotating a crank. Casement windows generally open only 15