The Dating Game

Lord Renfrew, Disney Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge University states: "Archaeologists all over the world have realized that much of prehistory, as written in the existing textbooks, is inadequate. Some is quite simply wrong. What has come as a considerable shock, a development hardly foreseeable just a few years ago, is that prehistory, as we have learnt it is based upon several assumptions which can no longer be accepted as valid.."

We are not sure about many things at this juncture. The date of the Tarim Basin culture seems to have radio carbon dates as well as other data that could place it anywhere from before the Ice Age to 2000 B.C. The same can be said for many things in Peru. Poverty Point might be the origin of the Iroquois that the Canadian Encyclopedia took all the way back to 4000 BC. but we have many experts who won't go further back than 1700 B.C. for this location. Thankfully Jennings is more in line with our proposed history that makes it a Stonehenge-era artifact when he says it does not fit in the Archaic Period. The matter of mounds that start in 5500 B.C. as burial chambers in L'Anse Amour certainly is in keeping with the New Grange complex that was used for more than funerary purposes. Mounds may have become Pyramids and certainly the Cahokia and Caral (Peru) pyramids were for more than funerary purposes.

Yonaguni has the base of a pyramid and people lived on it just as the Caral site people did near Lima. It may be as old as 17,000 years and is certainly over 9,000 years old as we will see in a later chapter. Dating games are frequent in the jungle of academics and the Pyramids in Egypt have been dated by the American Research Center in Egypt in ways the