Contemporary Wool Rugs - Choosing the Best Contemporary Area Rug Online

A contemporary, modern looking wool rug can be a great accent to a room. It can be the centerpiece of the room, giving the entire room a modern, contemporary feel.

Contemporary wool rugs are usually either hand knotted or hand tufted. The difference between hand knotted and hand tufted is that with hand tufted a small machine or "gun" is used to insert the yarn into a backing for additional texture. Normally when comparing hand knotted rugs the more knots per square inch the more valuable the rug.

Contemporary wool rugs are made in various countries. Some are made in the US, some in China, India, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain and other countries. Most of the wool rugs made in the US are machine made instead of hand tufted or hand knotted.

When purchasing a rug online, compare two or three different stores. Choose the style you like and then compare prices between stores and also, find out about their shipping costs. Many rug stores online offer free shipping for their rugs. Also, many rug stores online have discount prices and clearance items. Check those to make sure what you are looking for isn't on clearance.

If you need to compare fabrics, oftentimes the rug stores online will send you free samples of materials to help you see the fabric or yarn firsthand. Looking through the rug sites with the largest selections can help you save time and money by having more options and finding styles that are in your price range. A large selection will ensure that you find the exact style you are looking for.

To view a list of our recommended online rug stores with a large selection and variety, visit this page: Recommended Rug Stores Online.

Carrie Reeder is the owner of ezerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics.