Getting to Know You

"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am, I am, I am." ~ Sylvia Plath

Have you ever had the opportunity to be an observer in your life? While I was recovering from surgery, I spent three months just observing. I gained such clarity about what was important in my life. Just getting up, getting showered and into a chair for meals was a big deal and a huge accomplishment for the day. I savored my warm shower, clean pajamas, and every meal so lovingly prepared. I felt nourished, comforted and grateful to be alive.

Stepping out of my daily routine allowed me to see that the essence of life isn't in the busyness of doing, or in the titles or degrees we hold, or the balance of our checking accounts. All of our life, our experiences and relationships are important and worth so much more. The funny thing is that when you are faced with a crisis, your life quickly and without reservation becomes the priority. Work becomes secondary. Unfortunately, many of us in this culture have made our work our priority and the rest of our lives have taken a back seat. It