Trojan World War

TROJAN WORLD WAR: - Homer said there were nineteen battles and we know there was a 400 year dark age that followed this enigmatic period which has almost been immortalized in fairy tales about wooden horses and fair maidens. We have given evidences of white men in the Americas at places like Poverty Point and the mouth of the Amazon (there is much more in the 'mysteries' section) as well as allover the world. The victor of the battle in America for the gold or copper and other things like cocaine may well have been the people who stayed behind and decided to have nothing to do with their Empire-building aristocrats back home. Who actually won this war is beyond my ability to discern. It seems the Phoenicians and Berbers or 'Sea People' operated as pirates for many years to come. They had been trying to establish some kind of political stability to conduct reasonable business from the time of the Hyksos Kings in 1800 BC.

When did 'Greek Fire' actually become a useful weapon and how did oil become napalm? What science was lost during and after this apparently protracted period of war between ideologies? There is no clear nation or alliance of city-states that existed before or after this truly horrific period or centuries of warfare that began with the ouster of Ariadne from Crete, if not before. We think natural gas was used in conjunction with phosphorus and other chemicals known to the agents during this war but that it didn't produce the kind of heat that vitrifies rock. I think the Biblical stories of bringing down the walls of Jericho may relate to ultrasound or 'the lost chord'.

It is highly likely that allegiances shifted and new alliances or combatants came and went. The Kelts of the Danube area including the Amazons may even have separated from their Thracian neighbors and the Uighurs may have gained a lot by associating with the Semitic remnants of a previously Phoenician Anatolian group including Sargon and Hammurabi whose ethics clearly went against the women or egalitarian modes of previous island powers. The Milesians who went to Epirus and later Etruria (the Bruttii) clearly escaped according to the Trojan chronicle of Homer and their own historians. Pont and the Armenians would seem to be Hittites who were still known to have given women the right to own land like their brother Hurrians in the era 2000 BC. according to Agatha Christie and her archaeologist husband; but perhaps they agreed to fight despite this on behalf of their neighbors who were patristic. Maybe they remained neutral like Canada did in Viet Nam or as neutral as others who sell themselves to the highest bidder during protracted conflicts.

It is instructive to look at the aftermath and note the Greeks were allied with Phoenicians who gave them their language and (we showed) allowed them free access to their ports even if they took their wives and daughters. Some of these Greek states seem quite Phoenician at some times. But when the Greeks turned on their allies in Sicily at Syracuse much later were they getting back at their lords and masters? When Alexander expanded his Empire he made a pact with the Kelts, and this is well known history; but which Kelts? Was there a Druidic international council that could galvanize the Keltic clandoms in concerted war? No! But there was such an arrangement for many other things of culture and science or business, it appears. Maybe Alexander was a Kelt himself and he made deals with lots of other clandoms like the Galatians who ended up in what is now Turkey and was formerly Pont (another derived name from Phoenix/Phoenician/ Punt/Finias etc.).

Iberia became home to many Milesians and I believe these were Iberians from the Caspian Iberia which has a capital called Tiflis, now. Clearly many Kelts went back to Ireland and Britain from even before the Hyksos period as the Beaker people in 2200 BC. and it appears that many more came in 1500 BC. Was the Trojan War just an extension of the Hyksos wars? Troy III was called Aa-Mu and the Phoenician Brotherhood may well have included remnants of Harappa and Mu (SE Asia?). Pythagoras had a Phoenician parent, but by this time the Brotherhood seems to have been split into many factions. He went against the Sybarites as we know and they were allied with the Etruscans who were allied with Carthage against the Phocaean/Milesians or Iberians who seemed separate from their Venetii Keltic 'brothers'. Yet the Venetii weren't against the Kelts or Bruttii when they came to get rid of the Tarquin lineage of Etruscans and Rome became a reality. We will cover this a great deal more under the