10 steps to your business success.

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Format 60 CPL. Word count 817 Copyright Patrick Silva, 2004

10 Steps to your business success.

After you have definitely made up your mind that you really want to do a business of your own, the next important step is to choose a one that is right for you - a business that you like and enjoy doing.

Your success will depend on the choice you make. Therefore it is very important to give this matter very serious thought.

Here are 10 steps that will point you in the right direction and lead you to success.

First - Make a list of business ideas. The list should include your 1)Special training, 2)Hobbies, 3)Strengths, 4)Field of expertise, 5) Special skills, 6) Special interests, 7)Personal experiences, 8)Education and anything else that you can think of.

Do not be critical at this point. Just make the list no matter how crazy it may seem to you. Do not judge it or analyze it at this point. Concentrate. Spend 10 to 15 minutes on this project.

Second. Evaluate your ideas. Read the list very carefully several times. Now select FIVE of the best ideas from your list. Take your time doing this. Write down those five ideas in a separate sheet of paper. Keep those five ideas and mull them over in your mind.

Third. Take a rest. Leave the list alone for a day or two. Give your mind a chance to work. Your ultimate aim is to select the best one out of the five.

The reason for leaving the list alone for a day or two is to give your subconscious mind a chance to work on it. It will be working, behind the scene,in the background without your conscious awareness.

When you return to the list in a day or two, you should have a clear idea of what the best one of the 5 is. You will find that your decision making will be easier. If you are still unsure, give it more time.

Fourth. By now, you should be able to pick a topic or subject that you like the most - one you are passionate about. Now make that decision and pick out the best one out of the five.

Fifth. It's research time. Find out everything about your chosen field. Research at the library, the Internet, Newspapers and magazines. Talk to people in the field. Go all out and find as much information as you can.

A word of caution about research. Do not get side tracked or overly involved in research that you loose sight of your main objective.

The purpose of research is to gather information for your business venture. Do not fall into the 'Research-Research- Research' trap and fall prey to the 'Research-Junkie' syndrome. Research until you have enough information to start. You will learn more as you go along.

Sixth. Study your competition. Find out who is successful in your field. Find out what the successful people are doing to achieve their goals.

Seventh. Find a 'niche' in your field of interest. For instance, if your choice is Music, do you want to run a store selling cd's and records? Sell musical instrument? Teach music? Join a band and perform on stage? Go into the music CD production business? etc. etc.

You will be more successful if you concentrate your efforts on a particular 'niche' in your field of interest.

Eighth. Develop a plan of action. What tools will you need? What path should you follow? How much money is it going to cost you? Is it going to be a full time or a part time business? How much time are you willing to devote to your business?

Nineth. Set realistic goals. You cannot expect to make $100,000.00 your first month. Do not believe those who say you can. Setting up and running a successful business takes time and work. Ask any successful business person and he will tell you.

Where will you be in one month, 6 months, one year? Plan. There is a quotation that goes, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Therefore, plan and set realistic goals.

Tenth. This is the most important step. All your research, preparation, game plan and everything else will be of no use if you do not take this all important step. And that all important step is ACTION.

Start, Do! Not next month, or next week or next day. Start now. Take the first step today even if it is a small one. Make a daily schedule of what you must do and stick to it. Keep on taking progressive steps everyday. Remember,

"Yard by yard it is hard. Inch by inch it's a cinch."

With proper knowledge, information and planning, you will work 'smart.' Most of the successful business people have taken this route.

Follow these 10 steps and your success is assured.

About the Author

Patrick Silva is a Seminar Instructor, A Public Speaker and a Researcher. He is the editor of 'A Learners Lounge,' a free e-zine dedicated to inspire and motivate you to achieve success. To subscribe go to,