Advertising Education or Condemnation, Stream of Thought

Lets talk about images in advertising for a moment. Most advertisements for clothing (i.e. bathing suits etc), show shapely thin women and men. This has led our country to think that fat is demeaning and not socially accepted. This type of advertising has caused everyone to want to look like the people in the ads. Diets of all sorts have been developed to try to meet these expectations. But when their goals are not reached it causes depression, low self-esteem that in turn causes a poor image is developed. In my opinion these advertisements have a negative outreach. Who is to say only thin people look great? Advertisements do! These ads also have created anorexic teenagers, which has led to serious health problems and even death.

Advertisements often do not explicitly urge the consumer to buy a given product; rather they promise that the products will enhance a person