Fire Fighting VS Drinking Water, 2002 Data

Fires in the Western States have become increasingly problematic as temperatures rise and heat waves persist. During the last solar cycle it was evident that the increased temperatures were partly to blame for this. Today we see the trend continuing which may in fact be part of a larger problem of climate change an even bigger cycle which will make fires more serious. In studying these things there are ways to minimize the effects of the big fires, but it takes strategic planning and understanding of all the various components, which are part of the bigger issue. By studying recent or historical fire season data, drought cycles and weather patterns by the use of new super computers and satellite technologies, we can prevent and attack the big fires before they render our civilization without water supplies or catastrophic damage. This information is part of a very large project of data collection I did in 2002.

Well, what can I say about fires, which has not already been said? Well we can talk about what happens when you have fires, which drain water supply and are expecting a relatively mild Winter in those states. The fire in AZ on it