Phony-Baloney Detection Lesson #3

The Straw Man

In the science of critical thinking, the building of a Straw Man in argumentation is the building of a caricature or distortion of someone's position in order to attack more easily an opposing view. This happens all the time whenever there is a matter in dispute. I see this happen in the "Gay" movement and in the Evolution versus Creationism debate.

It most certainly is true, almost unavoidably so, in the "Legal/Illegal Mexican migrant worker" debate.

This is true of the Minuteman-like groups and the "pro-Legal/Illegal Mexican migrant worker supporters" because both groups, those on both sides of the fence, resort to some outstandingly insane arguments because of the stereotypes both hold about each other's position.

"Some" within the Minuteman-like groups sincerely believe the "Legal/Illegal Mexican migrant workers" are nothing but