Human Resources: The Misidentified Subject

Interest in the field of human resources has exploded in recent years due to the promises it offers for a better understanding of human beings at work. The term is now as ubiquitous as it has once been obscure. It is taught in schools and universities; it has turned into one of the main functions of a corporation in addition to marketing, finance, and accounting. Yet despite this trend, there are still many challenges facing the field. It seems like the subject of HR is talking the talk but not walking the walk. It is true that it is easy to talk about how we should treat employees and how to reward them in order to create an incentive for greater performance, but how do we tackle the most common problem of job dissatisfaction?

I believe that the root of all problems in the human resources field has to do with the fact that it has not been accurately defined. The way you define something determines how you will use it. For example, imagine a waiter at an Indian restaurant bringing you a bowl of warm water with a slice or a couple of slices of lemon in it at the end of your meal. If you define the contents of the bowl as "soup", you will begin to drink it (until someone stops you!). However, if you define it as a bowl to wash your hands, you will put your hands in the bowl and begin to wash your hands. In the very same way, the emphasis on the subject "human resources" has been misplaced. We put too much emphasis on the word