7 Secrets to Convert Motherhood into a New Successful Career

Have you been a professional mother (it is a true profession, whether acknowledged or not) but now you find your mothering skills are in less demand? Are the fruits of your efforts, your children, growing up? You will always be their mother, but as they enter high school or college they will spend much less time with you.

Do you feel less of a person, or even somewhat lost, because you are no longer a full time mother? Does the thought of doing something else appear to be overwhelming? Do you wonder how you will find another profession to partially replace motherhood and give you the personal rewards you received from being a mother?

Welcome to the beginning of your new and rewarding life. Here are 7 secrets to converting the vast knowledge and skills you gained while being a mother into starting your next successful career.

Secret # 1 You are a very valuable resource.

You have already accumulated considerable knowledge and skills during the years of being a professional mother. You have been a teacher, leader, organizer, conflict mediator, financial consultant, personal mentor, personal inspiration, activity counselor, transportation expert, event coordinator, homemaker, health consultant, cook, professional buyer, cleaning consultant, spiritual consultant, fashion consultant, food consultant, wife, psychologist, confidant, activity supporter and fan, and the list goes on too long to continue in this short space. Wow! Sounds extremely impressive when you really look at it. In truth, it is. The considerable experience you have in so many areas provides you with the ability to perform quite well in an untold number of other professions. You have much more to offer than you can see from your perspective.

Secret # 2 It is time to focus on you first

Your number one focus as a mother has been on your children. Not you. You spent considerable time and effort to assure the growth, success, health, happiness, and safety of you children. That was wonderful. You now have the time and energy to focus first on you. This sounds like a simple step, but it is a very big one. You naturally put yourself aside for your children, and it felt good. You will not be abandoning your children. In fact, most children love to see their parents develop new and successful lives. Permit yourself the right, without guilt or hesitation to enjoy focusing on you.

Secret # 3 Discover what you really want to do next and why

You will want to look into yourself and discover what your true passions, desires, talents and beliefs are. You probably know more about your children