Stay Young and Beautiful

Staying young and beautiful is an important factor in many of our lives. The thought of getting old, wrinkly and losing our faculties is rather daunting to say the least.

Scientists who have studied aging are now saying that your genes only have 40 percent of the deciding factor to how old you look and feel, the rest is due to what you eat, drink and your state of mind. According to these studies, this means you can delay aging symptoms by years, simply by taking small steps to improve your diet, fitness and by trying to cut down the levels of stress and negativity in your life.

Cutting down on stress is one of the most important things you need to think about, prolonged stress can be hazardous to your health. Studies have shown there is evidence that chronic stress weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Try to be positive about your life, if you are not one of life