Ten Tips to Stimulate Your Newborn's Senses

A number of scientific studies have shown the way a baby uses her senses in the early months of life is crucial to future development. A baby, whose senses are stimulated develop a sharper memory, inquisitiveness and a better concentration. Besides, babies who are stimulated attain developmental milestones earlier have superior muscle coordination, and a safer and sounder personality.

Here a few effective tips that you will find particularly useful to stimulate your newborn's senses and development, right from the beginning.

1. Make your baby touch fabrics of different textures, e.g., smooth, rough, cushiony. This would help develop her sense of touch.

2. Hold up bright colored blocks or other colorful objects 10 to 12 inches away from your baby's eyes. When she focuses, try moving it left and right, up and down and then in circles. Doing so will improve her sight.

3. Provide your baby high-contrast toys such as mobiles with black-and-white or primary color patterns, or hang them in the crib. These would help stimulate the parts of the brain controlling vision.

4. Play