Neanderthal Species Distinct From Humans

For many years young earth ministries have claimed that Neanderthals were modern humans. However, new evidence shows that they should in fact be a separate species, which died out, and did not contribute to the gene pool of present-day humanity.

In a story reported in late January 2004, scientists did a detailed computer analysis of human and Neanderthal skulls, comparing the variations with the variations of sub-species of apes. (Footnote 1) The computer analysis showed that the differences measured between modern humans and Neanderthals were significantly greater than those found between subspecies of living monkeys and apes. According to the scientists, this makes the case that Neanderthals should be considered as a separate species.

Implications for Creation Theory

If Neanderthals are a separate species from humans, and not just a sub-species, what are the implications for the various forms of creationist thought? Here is a summary.

Progressive Creationists