Loans for self employed

When self employment was suggested to me as a method of generating income, I had never thought I was taking the ire of loan providers. Mention that you are self employed and you can immediately watch the loan providers tightening the noose on their funds. Lending loans to the self employed person is considered a very risky venture. The business of the self employed persons goes into losses and so does the money lent. This is what loan provider think of the self employed people.

But, are self employed people so vulnerable. No! Self employed people comprise of some of the richest people in the UK. Most of the people who have chosen self employment were the ones who voluntarily left their high paying jobs to fulfil their calling. It is true that their income undergoes variations, but this only shows that a regular loan with fixed repayments is not meant for them. They need a loan wherein the loan repayments can be moulded according to their income structure.

Loan for self employed becomes one of the most popular finance options for the self employed people because it moulds repayments according to the income of the self employed. How much is to be paid and when it is to be paid will be decided by the borrower himself. The feature of flexibility comes in three forms- underpayment, overpayment, and payment holiday.

Underpayment is a facility wherein borrowers can pay less than the specified amount on loan for unemployed. Thus, if it has been decided that the repayments will be ₤100 and the borrower