Google shows visitor stats.

Google shows you visitor stats . As strange it may sound but google is now showing you stats for your site . These include : Terms for which your site shows in search results , Terms for which people clicked and actually visited your site , Number of times google visited your site , The information google has about your site , Number of pages it has indexed , If you have a site map , then when was it last downloaded . Pages which google was not able to crawl , Why google was not able to crawl . How to see these stats ? Create a free google account . If you have a gmail account , you can use that email ID and password to login . Login at Once you are there , you will be shown the sites which you have added in your account . If you have not added any sites yet , then click "ADD" and enter the URl of your site . To see stats you will have to verify that you are the site owner . Click the verify site link next to the URL . Google will askyou to upload a blank html file to your root directory . Then click verify button . If google finds that file in your root , then your site is verified . Now you can see all the stats for that site of yours. Click the link of the site in your google account . The next page has links to the following . Sitemap , Crawl , index, errors, In addition there are also the terms listed for which your site is included in search results. To see information about your site you can choose the appropriate link . Clicking crawl will show you how many times google has crawled your site etc. If you want to get your site indexed faster , submit a sitemap from the same google account . A sitemap looks like the one at . That one is for human visitors . Google wants a XML version something like . The html version is created using the free html sitemap generater at . It takes just three steps to create an html sitemap and you have the freedom of adding your own templet to the map also. Submitting a sitemap will help google crawl your site faster and get it indexed faster. Keep checking your google account to see the terms for which your site is ranking in search results. Best of luck for your site.