Dead End?

When we think we are at a dead-end, what to do? It may be that we just really need to examine the situation and see if we really are stuck in the mud or we just think we are standings there spinning our wheels and accomplishing nothing at all. It may not be a mistake that you have run out of options, it may be that you picked the wrong goal in the process of building the perfect you and this can happen and that is not that big of a set back. Sometimes you need to take a set back so in the next phase of your journey you can take three steps forward. Examine what you are doing and see if it really fits into your vision of the perfect you, take a step back and see what it is you really need to do in order to make this phase go forward or end it now and move on too the next step. Take some time, don't make any rash decisions, because you must take a good look at where you are at, go to where their is silence and try to understand what it is you are trying to accomplish with this step. Take your time their is no hurry, the last thing you need is to stop what you are doing and find out later down the road that you where on the right path all the time. Then you will have to start that step over from the beginning and that could be a waste of your precious time and that can get costly when you make a few of them, you '11 find out that Joe is much farther than you and he just started on his journey a few short months ago. What we are trying to do is limit the amount of mistakes you make, so that you can stay on whatever schedule that you may have set up for yourself. Let me stress here whatever pace you want to move at is fine. Move at your pace and don't let anyone discourage you, or tell you any different, because you are your own boss and only you can decide what is good for you at any given moment, and things will change moment to moment, and decisions are part of the process in building the perfect you, you just need to try and figure out what it is that you want and go from their. Now don't think that you have it all figured out just yet, what if it is a dead end? This is OK and you are going to have them but in all reality, you are going to be disappointed and down a bit :( If not then great you are getting close to the prefect you that you know you can be. If on the other hand you are discouraged and down, don't let it get to you, you are going to have those rough and though times. It's not always easy to make your way to the top or whatever place it is you are going, you will have to give something up in order to get something out of what you want and where you want to go. So don't let those nasty little road blocks be the end of your journey take the detour if at all possible and find a way to get to the perfect you that you are seeing in your mind, (Don't Let Go Of That Picture.) Keep it at all cost if it is what you really want and you can see yourself their you have won half the battle, so roll up those sleeves and get ready to get your hands dirty, because now you can start to have fun again. Either you have found out that you need to take the detour or you have come to a dead end, in either case you now know what to do!