Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

We are selling our house. We have lived here for 15 years, the longest I have ever lived anywhere; of the places since I left my parents' home I think my previous best was three years. There is a certain comfort to residential stability. I expect I will be filling out change of address forms from when we move through the end of my useful life.

Coincidentally, there were two articles that I have come across since putting up our "For Sale" sign a week ago that address the housing "bubble."

Slate.com's Daniel Gross writes about "Bubble Over Troubled Waters: Why the real estate bubble could be good news for the economy." He refers to "what many are already calling the successor bubble to the dot-com fiasco: the U.S. housing market."

On the positive side, Northern Trust economist Asha Bangalore notes that "the performance of the housing market has played a visible role in payroll growth." Gross adds that