MLM Recruiting- Cold Market Prospecting- 5 SCORCHING Opening Phrases

There is a phrase in MLM Recruiting that we call the 5 Magic Words of Cold Market Prospecting. These words can open more doors than you ever thought possible. I used them for years, and they opened thousands of doors. They also help recruit a ton of folks.

What would that phrase be?

"Maybe You Can Help me."

These words can open doors, create curiosity, and open the hearts of many people to give you a helping hand in your Network Marketing Business.

You may be wondering what do you say after those words. After all, what happens if that phrase gets someone's attention? What do you do? What do you say?

This brings us to the Golden Law of Cold MLM Market Prospecting:

"Recruiting Starts after the initial Contact..."

What does that mean?

We found that if we didn't try to recruit them right off the bat, but waited till the second meeting or even third, our ratio for success went up. And it went up tremendously. Many people have a tendency to jump into a conversation with a new prospect, without realizing that it may require some time to develop the relationship, and even give it time to BE THE RIGHT TIME to pursue the conversation full force.


Don't become an MLM Cold Market "ATTACK RECRUITER."

Give your cold prospect room to breathe, and let a rapport start to develop a little. If the prospect is cold to the idea, give it some time. Hold more conversations. The desire to help may be there, but give it time to grow and be revealed. A lot of times, it won't happen immediately, due to the intial lack of any interest on the prospects part, or bad experiences with others.

Wait till the second conversation to bring up your desire to seek them for your business, or who they might know.

This is only professional, and you are giving the relationship time to solidify and then mature into a real possible friendship.


If you jump the gun too quick in MLM Cold Market recruiting, you will end up shooting yourself in the foot.

Here are the "5 HOT Phrases for Cold market MLM Prospecting" These are mainly for people that you will meet in the business community when Net-Working your business, which you should be doing all the time!

The 5 Hot Phrases for MLM Cold Market Prospecting:

1) "I am a professional in the community like you."

2) "I am introducing myself to .