What's Your Passion? Is there Something Genuine Online to Replace Your Job? The Timeless Question


Like many others online, I started off with high hopes of earning money from the comfort of my home!

My job is likeable enough. I can't complain about the money. I don't have any issues with the people I work with in a way that makes me unhappy. I'm pleased that I have a job. Many don't.

It's just that often I would get that nigglingly unsatisfied feeling. That this job - and any job really - really wasn't going anywhere that I wanted to be. Oh, I could've gone upwards and onwards through management. Sure, if I wanted to, the opportunities were there. The company I work for is a large, international company who actually ENCOURAGE you to move up! So, what's my problem? What is missing? Oh dear, I sound like a cliche - "is there more to life?" lol :)

Let me explain where I'm coming from. Spiritually, I mean. NOT religiously - there is no preaching here :) Spirituality - to me - is *how I approach* life - people, situations, problems, money, relationships and the like.

How I approach everything in daily life depends on what I've learnt so far.

If I encounter a problem for example, from my point of view, I should be able to approach this in a fashion that allows me to:

a). learn from it;

b). grow through it;

c). never attach negative to it;

d). never think others are the cause of it (becoming a victim).

Obviously, this doesn't work ALL of the time. I'm no saint and I don't aspire to be. I just want to have a happy life.

So, what I've come up with so far is that I should firstly, never assume that a business idea, opportunity, program will be there forever. Regardless of whether it seems like the most amazingly, insightful business that I've come across EVER.

To my way of thinking, this is an 'attachment'. Here 'attachment' means something that I rely on indefinitely, something that I depend on NOT to change in order for me to remain happy. Like relationships, money, lifestyle, jobs - business opportunities are fluid. Changing. Not permanent, even if they last for 10 years or more. Even if they don't disappear, they surely change and it may not be in a way that I am comfortable with initally.

Ultimately, everything changes, life, thoughts in a person's mind change by the second, the minute, the hour. You can be quite content one minute, the next minute however might bring something into your focus that your mind reacts to in one way or another that changes your current emotion - happy to sad, euphoric to flat, even just small changes in how you're feeling.

Hence, I'm driven in my purpose to always remember the fluidity of life, every minute of every day. Attachments, whatever or whoever they may be, are something that I've relied on in the past to 'make me happy'. Funny thing is, at the end of the day, two people can have the same thing happen 'to' them, but have different reactions to said 'happening'.

It's all in the perspective of the person.

Kim Puk