White Sun - What is Tranquillity?

Generally, people regard serenity in their lives as being dependant on the environment. We seem to think that tranquillity comes to us when we place ourselves in a tranquil situation, but actually the reverse is true. It is the state of the heart and mind which determines how tranquil our surroundings can be. It is said that, "A calm heart makes a shaky hut stable".

We usually find that in a very quiet environment where nothing much happens, we are easily distracted and readily follow the direction of desires that arise within us. On the other hand, if we have a busy timetable and are focused on a programme of activities, there are lesser opportunities to dwell on distracting thoughts and desires. Serenity of our environment then does not necessarily bring about inner tranquillity.

How can we contemplate in tranquillity?

1] To be detached is to be tranquil

2] Not to be angry or apprehensive is to be tranquil

3] To set aside right and wrong, fame and scandal, is to be tranquil

4] To discard family worries is to be tranquil

5] To break free from all deterrents or obstacles is to be tranquil

6] To have no greedy or selfish thoughts is to be tranquil.

Inner tranquillity does not come easily and it is said, "A person whose heart is filled with craving may stand by a deep, still pool and still feel his heart churning with desires. He may be in a lonely forest but unable to sense the stillness; while those who have relinquished all desires from their hearts may feel refreshed under the burning summer sun. They may live in the middle of the busiest city and not hear its noisy clamour".

The best way to build up tranquillity is selfless contribution and teaching people to do good deeds. Be kind to all living beings, develop compassion, forgiveness, and slowly tranquillity will begin to manifest. Gradually all our obstructing desires and delusions will dissolve into nothing and we eventually become totally free. It is also the best way to develop virtues and merits and have a tranquil mind.

Author: T.A Chew
Website: http://www.white-sun.com
T.A Chew, a practitioner of Tao, realizes that those who have done a lot of good deeds in return will have tranquillity of the mind. He then pursues to achieve the same in the last ten years so that his wish of living with inner peace and good health can be attained.