Does youth equal beauty?

Beauty creams and potions these days all seem to use the Y word quite a lot. Looking younger seems to be the main goal of plastic surgery too. At first glance it makes sense that looking younger means being more attractive, until you actually examine that statement. Being young does not automatically make you attractive. In fact, many of us cringe at photos of ourselves in our teens! Most of us certainly didn't look or feel attractive back then, so why are we still trying to look like we did back then? The truth is that good grooming and personal care go a long way to making us look and feel better, whatever our age. Surgical procedures work best when they enhance rather than replace our features. Ironically having botox makes you less attractive, as your facial movements are so restricted that you cannot make the micro-signals so essential to human communication. A clear skin rather than a wrinkle-free skin is the aim. Eyes that are enhanced with stylish makeup rather than pulled tight across the face are always attractive. A hair style that suits your face rather than masses of extensions will go a long way to making you look and feel good. So instead of pining for your lost youth, use the knowledge you've gained over the years to make sure you turn heads!