Superfood or Superfad

I have been reading a lot lately on the subject of anthrocyanins. Anthrocyanin is a pigment found in many fruits and vegetables but especially in berries.

Studies have been done on a variety of berries to discover the possible health benefits as dietary antioxidants. Blueberries have been thought to have the highest amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants are known for their ability to fight free radicals which do damage to our bodies. Many scientists regard this damage as a factor in aging. Blueberries are also thought to be helpful in lowering cholesterol, slowing aging, improving eyesight, reducing inflammation, fighting cancer and urinary tract infections and protecting neurons from memory loss.

Blackberries and boysenberries are also known to have high levels of anthrocyanin. Research from the current issue of the journal Nutrition and Cancer has led scientists to believe that blackberries could be a powerful new tool in the fight against cancer. Strawberries are also thought to be helpful in fighting cancer although lower in antioxidants. Research also shows that the anthrocyanins found in elderberries enhances immune function and may be beneficial in deterring some strains of the flu.

So, what do these studies mean for us? All of the studies agreed that berries are high in antioxidants and fiber. Different studies on different berries resulted in conclusions that held a variety of beneficial properties. An added bonus is that berries are high in fiber and low in calories. One half cup of berries is less than 40 calories. It seems that one serving of berries a day would be a delicious addition to a nutritionally balanced diet plan.

Good Eating!

Constance Weygandt is a balance mentor who specializes in finding answers for individuals who are looking for an alternative to dieting to maintain weight control. For more information or to sign up for Constance's free newsletter, visit her website at