Protecting Your Limestone Floor Investment

Protecting Your Limestone Floor Investment

By Edward Green

There are many types of limestone. These vary a great deal in terms of porosity and hardness, as well as in colour and texture. However limestone, although very hard wearing and durable is porous and therefore prone to staining. Limestone is also not resistant to acid and harsh cleaning products, as well as spillages of acidic soft drinks, fruit juices, wine and vinegar etc can all damage the stone. The Limestone Treatment System protects limestone against such damage and ensures that it stays looking its best with the least possible effort.


All new porous limestone floors need to be sealed either before fixing or before grouting with a suitable Impregnator. Our product offers a free 15 year performance warranty which means if the sealer doesn't stop staining we will come back free of charge and apply more sealant to stop staining. We have only had 1 callback for more protection out of literally hundreds of projects. The coverage is around 4 - 8 m2 per litre. We offer the application process but you can apply it yourself if you want to. Apply as many coats as can absorbed. These will reduce the porosity which not only helps protect against staining, but also enhances the natural beauty of the material and acts as the foundation for the surface finish.

If you decide to go the DIY route please make sure you evenly cover the tile with the impregnator. Once it becomes nearly dry you will need to wipe the tile with a clean white terry cloth to get an even texture across the tile, this is very important. Always work in one direction and not in a haphazard fashion as streaks will appear.

It is possible to purchase Limestone tiles that have been "dipped". Dipping means that a tile has been submerged into a tank containing an impregnator of sorts and thus has a protection element attached to it. This method is costly and before anyone tells you it has been "dipped" ask to test the porosity by taking some of the tile you are purchasing and scrutinize it with whatever liquids you generally use and or spill at home.

Once the flooring has been impregnated and allowed to dry it can be easily maintained with our Limestone dressing that cleans, maintains and offers some protective properties every time it is used, it is also an environmentally friendly product that is fully biodegradable.

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