Why Aren't You Getting More Interviews and Better Job Offers?

Hundreds or resumes are received in response to every advertised executive position. The odds of getting your candidacy noticed are small, unless you can do something different to immediately grab employers' attention and differentiate yourself from the masses. Here are three must-know resume tips for a serious executive job seeker. They will help you beat the odds, get more interviews, and secure the job you really want: 1. Minimize Overused Jargon Over 95% of resumes use predictable language that makes them blend in a pile. While well-meaning books promote heavy use of 'action words', they fail to mention that every resume yours is competing with already has too many of them. Terms such as "developed", "improved", "implemented", etc. are seen on virtually every executive document and don't have much pull or appeal to readers. Your winning tip: Instead of recycling humdrum terms and expected descriptions, make your resume content unusually fresh and captivating. Write your resume as a well-flowing executive proposal, not a dry shopping list of duties and accomplishments. 2. Go Beyond Run-Of-The-Mill Formats As with anything, you will hear many different opinions about resume formats. The truth is, when it comes to executive-level career summaries, one size certainly doesn't fit all. Instead of trying to jam your unique background into a seemingly good-looking template, why not take a smarter approach and highlight your compelling distinctiveness - from start to finish? Your winning tip: Forget 'functional', 'chronological' or 'combined'. Think 'exclusive', 'unmatched' and 'in-demand'. Don't follow conventions; instead, focus on promoting your individuality and distinction. The less your resume looks like someone else's borrowed format, the more it will command employers' attention. 3. Explain Why You Are The One They Should Hire Contrary to popular belief, the role of your resume is not to impress hiring decision makers. Rather, it is to convey why you are better than dozens of other competent candidates they may be considering. The assumption is obvious; you would probably not be applying for a position if your qualifications didn't meet basic requirements. Having said this, what actually makes you a stronger and overall better choice? If your resume merely glorifies your past, it may be missing this key ingredient - promoting your executive potential and signature value. Your winning tip: Make certain that your resume indicates expected results, noteworthy benefits and significant advantages you can offer to hiring organizations. Let employers know in advance why you are not an average executive and explain how you can deliver better outcomes than other applicants. This is the intelligent way to position yourself in this market. Copyright (c) http://www.ABCExecutiveResumes.com This article may be downloaded and distributed providing the copyright notice is displayed. All rights reserved.