New Road Coatings to Decrease Urban Heat

Urban heat is causing severe weather issues, as those regions with lots of concrete tend to be 5-10 degrees hotter than areas of rural population bases. Thus the air flows above the city tend to become hotter and more agitated causing super cells or aggravated storm clouds, then as the warmer air flows towards the colder air we get intense thunder and lightning storms. Such storms cause super cells producing Tornadoes, flooding and intense Thunder and Lightening.

By trapping the heat coming off the roads thru special ceramic or glass type coatings we will stop the reflection of heat into the atmosphere and keep the ground cool so as air flows over it, the airflows will remain unchanged in temperature. The coating must be inexpensive as coating a city like Los Angeles; all its roads, building tops and parking lots is no simple feat. There is over 460 square miles in the Southern California area which houses some 16-people. Many cities where airflows move across at low levels and then into the Midwest or large flat areas are the most serious. Once the air is heat up large clouds form and blow across the plains. Large cities like Denver, San Antonio, Dallas, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Houston, Austin, Kansas City, Atlanta, Phoenix, Las Vegas; to name just a few could significantly change the ever increasing intensity of these summer storms. The coating cannot come apart and if it does must remain inert in the environment without hurting the eco-system.

The coating must be freeze resistant to improve automobile safety and also reduce noise from automobiles and trucks, while also absorbing the heat of the sun during high temperature days and solar flares. If we can do this, we can significantly reduce our drastic weather. The money we save from preventing flooding and crop failures will more than pay for the cost to coat our concrete civilization.

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