Marriage Proposals - Will You Ah, Um... Marry Me?

So you met the love of you life and would like to make your marriage proposal. This is an exciting moment in your life. Have you thought up a few marriage proposals? OK, so you have made up a hundred marriage proposals and haven't mind up you mind. Stop worrying, she's just waiting for your marriage proposal. She has been hinting around now for a while, she's ready to say YES to your marriage proposal. Here are some tried and true, serious and silly Marriage proposals especially for you ... Practice Makes Perfect - Marriage Proposals. Now you're ready to make your marriage proposal, you need some practice. Pick out some your marriage proposals and tape yourself to hear how you sound. Practice makes perfect so practice your marriage proposal over and over .Besides rehearsing in from of the mirror, try out your marriage proposal in front of your dog or cat. It's like if your dog doesn't go for you marriage proposal and wag his tail, better make up a new marriage proposal. Overall, cats are more picky, but a dog will even go for crummy marriage proposal if you toss in a dog bone. Chinese Restaurant - Marriage Proposals Take your fianc