Quality Protein - Eat It and Lose Weight Fast!

It provides an immediate satiety factor and because it keeps you full for longer periods. It also balances out carbs by preventing insulin spikes that lead to a drain of energy and cravings for sugar. Protein helps maintain muscle mass which is a very important part in the fat burning process. Lose weight and feel healthier A diet based on increased, levels of protein has been shown in a number of studies to give an added boost to dieters. By helping them increase weight loss, increase loss of body fat, and reduce the loss of muscle tissue. Most experts recommend a diet containing 25 - 35 percent protein for weight loss and between 20 - 25 percent protein for weight maintenance. In the above cases, the protein consumed should be high quality protein. Evidence as to why protein curbs hunger An experiment found that feeding rats a high protein diet increased the activity of genes involved in glucose production in the animal's small intestine. The consequence of this led to increased glucose production, which was detected by the liver, and relayed to the brain, causing the rats to cut their food intake. So lets look at some great quality proteins, that if eaten will make you healthier, more energetic and help you lose weight. Chicken and turkey These are excellent their low in fat (without the skins) and you can roast, broil, grill, or saut