Use A Home Remedy As A Hair Loss Cure

Although most doctors will tell you there is no such thing as a hair loss cure, there are many products on the market proposing that they can cure your hairloss problem. One of these is Rogaine, a topical treatment that you have to apply to the scalp twice a day. However, this treatment is not a hair loss cure because once you stop using it, you start to lose your hair again. If you look at the list of ingredients in this hair loss product, you will see that the main one is alcohol. This is one of the top ingredients that has been used for years in hairloss cures.

People have always searched for a cure for baldness. Way back in the early part of the 20th century, seven sisters claimed they had a hair loss cure. They used the proof of pictures of their father as a bald man and then with a full head of hair to show that their hairloss cure worked. The ingredients they used were alcohol, borox and quinine