Boundary Setting for the Home-Based Small Business Owner

First, let me just stomp my feet, throw my arms up (with tongue firmly planted in cheek) and ask, "Why doesn't everyone in the world respect my boundaries?" Haven't I made them abundantly clear with my bellowing voice and my assertive demeanor? Yeah, I'm about as loud and scary as a ladybug!

Second, let me put my thoughts on the table. I believe that children who grow up without boundaries given to them (structure, rules, consequences, and consistent adult role models who display socially appropriate expressions of feelings), grow to be adults who don't know how to create boundaries for themselves and don't respect others' boundaries. I've been confronted with one of those adults lately and I suspect it's my call to action to beef up my own focus on this topic.

Third (and the reason for this article), how the heck does this relate to running a business? Well, that part is easy. A home-based without boudaries business in its infancy is bound to become an unfocused business as it matures. I've learned a bit about this...the hard way.

On the Personal Front

I am one of those people who goes to bed early and gets up early. So, I don't answer the phone after 9 p.m. Everyone who knows me knows this is my rule. This is my home and that's my rule. It's non-negotiable. Last night, the phone rang at 9:05, 9:30, and again just around 10 (same person each time). I have caller ID and knew the call was something that did not require immediate attention. I felt my boundaries and my privacy had been violated. So what did I do? I fumed and ranted about rude people until about 11:30. Yeah, that was really productive. The solution which didn't occur to me at the time was to simply turn the phone ringer off.

The point? I have no control over life's little interruptions. I have no control over other's behavior. I am always at choice about my response. I forgot that last night.

From now on, my phone ringer is OFF after 9. I'll call you back at 4:30 a.m. when I usually get up. Okay?

On the Home-Based Small Business Front

Okay, here's where it gets humbling. This morning as I reflected upon this issue, I began to think about all the areas of my businesses where I am not being clear about my boundaries and other areas where there's a bit of wiggle room. Am I raising a small business that's growing up to be a unfocused adult with no respect for boundaries?

For me the non-negotiable boundary areas are as follows (do any of these sound familiar?). I must:

What are your home business boundaries? Where are you feeling wishy-washy? Do you REALLY need to be "on" all the time to make YOUR business a success or to be a good parent/friend/spouse? Do you have to be perfect all the time? I'd wager a big, fat NO. Have I been practicing what I preach? Another big, fat NO.

Here's to imperfection, life's little calls to action, and clear boundaries.

Copyright 2005, Ann Zuccardy, All rights reserved.

EzineArticles Expert Author Ann Zuccardy

Ann Zuccardy is a freelance technical and copy writer with 17 years of industry experience in marketing and technical communication. She currently consults with IBM in Essex Junction, Vermont where she writes software user manuals, training guides, and release notes. Ann is also the owner of Vermont Shortbread Company. She can be reached at