Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate

In the past, I have touched on the connection of quantum physics and communication. One of my passions is to understand the connection that we create on a much higher level.

This article only touches the surface of this is rich and amazing subject in an email, yet still help you open the door to how it can help you in life and with your communication mastery.

First is to realize that Quantum physics, which is the study of the building blocks of the universe, tells us that everything is made up energy. Even our bodies, which are made up of cells, then atoms, which are made up of sub-atomic particles such as electrons.

Actually, everything is made up of 'large groups' of subatomic particles including plants trees, thoughts and light. The only difference is the way these particles are grouped together into the building blocks.

The studies now being done in the neurosciences have shown that thoughts are biochemical and electrical. They are real things. And that our mind is photons of light held in an electromagnetic field.

We as electromagnet beings of energy give off and pick up energy when we interact with other people. And there is a fundamental need in us to connect with one another.

The studies have also shown that we see the world not as it is, but as we are and when we go to connect or communicate with another person, it is based on our assumptions, beliefs, values, attitudes and intentions. The success or failure of the connection will be based on much of this.

There is also a need to have our external world to match our internal world and a person will often sabotage what is before them if it doesn