Business Goals - The 10 Commandments

The Ten Commandments of Goal Setting
While it's good to set goals and work them into a proper plan, the fact is many people succeed in business without setting any goals. Be careful not to set your goals too high. You should have goals that are achievable, otherwise frustration will set in and you are more likely to give up.

There are certain features or strategies that you can build into your goals resulting in success.

Some of these are set out below:

  1. Thou shalt have a Vision.
    You need to have a vision. As the saying goes; "Without a vision the people perish." Everything starts off with a vision. The great sky scrapers we have, the enormous business that have been built, the amazing inventions that are being used and the race to conquer the moon all started off with someone having a vision.
  2. By vision we don't mean airy-fairy dreams in the night or other