How to Create a Simple Money Making Web Site?

Setting up a money making website is quite a simple task. Following are the steps I took to setup my web site in about 2-3 days.

First, we need to have some idea of what is your interests, so we can have a lot of information on that, for example, my wife is interested in the early childhood education and she has spend a lot of time to study and practice, so we can build a site related to that topic.

Then we need to choose a domain name for our website. This is an important part and we need to choose a good name for our website. We go to the and after some search, we decided to have our website name as, a little bit long, but meaningful. Then go ahead register it and made the payment for $9.95.

I have already got my web hosting server for my other website, so I just addon the at the same hosting server and save some money for the hosting. You need to point your name server to your hosting server. We have finished most of the technical part of the web server setup.

Now we are going to design our web server and put some content on that. That is simple if you know how to do that, using the FrontPage will help you to speed up the web design, I am not going to discuss how to design a webpage with professional look and feel. But I will focus on the content part.

I am not very good at writing, but I can find a lot of good article to use as long as I keep the author