FITNESS - It's for the Whole Person - Not Just the Body

So few people recognize that true fitness involves the entire human being; this includes the body, the mind and the spirit. Today's fitness minded society easily gives a plethora of choices and options when it comes to getting fit.

Interestingly enough, when an individual makes the decision to start becoming fit, they usually start with the body. However, on more occasions than one, when the body starts to feel better through exercise, the mind and spirit also benefit. The conclusion is that by exercising one part of the whole, the rest will also tend to move towards a more healthy and fit state as well. Let's take a look at what activities can be used to bring fitness to each level of being.

Mental Fitness: It goes without saying that one of the most serious culprits to destroying the mind's ability to function optimally is stress. To bring about mental fitness, stress must be eliminated as thoroughly as possible. Yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques, and visualization techniques are all methods to decrease the negative effects of stress on the mind. Other forms of mental gymnastics include education in general. Learning and exploring your world will exercise your mind more than watching TV.

Spiritual Fitness: Spiritual fitness can be accomplished in a similar fashion to mental fitness; through meditation, relaxation, prayer and spiritual contemplation. The focus in spiritual fitness is to become aware of the spirit and its needs and giving it the quiet time necessary to accomplish its goals.

Physical Fitness: Today's world offers a wide variety of physical activities from aerobics to swimming, biking to mountain climbing, and walking to canoeing. Attempt to engage the body in some sort of physical movement 3-5 times per week at least 30 minutes each session. The release of tension and stress, not to mention toxic build up will benefit all levels of the person. The addition of muscle and decrease of fat on the body will also bring about an increase in overall fitness.

What is important to remember is that fitness is not just a physical quality, it involves the entire person; body, mind and spirit.

Rachel Dayer runs and operates, a health related portal.