Cheating Wives - Play with Your Lives!

Many wives cheat on their husbands. This could be due to the fact that the husband does not give much of his time to his wife. The husband is usually the bread winner in a family and spends most of his time at work. This is especially so when a husband is self-employed and works for himself. His time becomes more important to him to work as he needs to make money for the family to survive.

If your husband is a workaholic then your lives are even more at risk from your wife cheating on her husband. Sometimes the husband can become so engrossed in his work that it may seem to the wife that he is totally ignoring her. When she tries to tell him something he is only half listening and this is very frustrating for the wife. The wife ay become bored with her husband as she seeks his attention. The husband may not realise just how little attention ha has been giving his wife. A wife can resent this and hence start to look elsewhere for her needs.

Wives cheat on husband in many ways. Wives often have time on their hands when they do not work so they have the ideal opportunity to cheat on their husbands. Wives may use the excuse to go shopping to sneak off to cheat on their husbands. They may be purchasing goods using their husbands cash or credit cards. They may even be buying gifts with the husbands hard earned money for their lovers and not even give this a thought. Things may even escalate out of all proportion and what was once a small gift may turn into a rather large expensive gift especially if the husband does not keep tabs on the wives expenditure.

If you have a family then it is even easier to cheat on your husband as you can use the excuse that you need more money to fund a child