Practice Building: Create a Powerful and Targeted Call to Action for Your Prospects

A "Call To Action" is an invitation for your prospective clients to actively engage you in some way- directly or indirectly.

Most prospective clients, even if they are very interested in working with you, often need a way to build a relationship with you in bite-sized pieces to work up to engaging your services.

Effective marketing will ALWAYS include a SPECIFIC, EASY, TARGETED, COMPELLING, and usually FREE, call to action.

Everything you send out can and should include a call to action; e-mails (in the signature line), web site, flyers, business card, advertising, announcements, newsletters, even the outgoing greeting of your voicemail system.

Three Types of Calls TO Action


-Please forward to your interested colleagues

-Your feedback would be appreciated!

-Please reply and let me know what you think

-If you find this valuable, please pass it on to someone you care about

Provide Value

-For free e-book

-To register for my free e-program