Indigestion - The Truth About Acid and Antacids

Did you know that antacids are the number one over-the-counter remedy in the US? That tells us that there are an awful lot of people out there who are suffering from one form of indigestion or another including heartburn, dyspepsia and acid reflux.

The thing is, all antacids do, is tame the symptoms of an underlying problem. They do not deal with the root of the problem. In fact, long term use can make things worse. Much worse. Over time your stomach can produce even more acid. And if your chosen brand contains aluminium, then your bones are likely to have the calcium leached from them too. But the real worry is that The New England Journal of Medicine found that people with at least one weekly bout of heartburn are eight times more likely to develop cancer of the oesophagus.

So what causes indigestion and how can you get rid of it the natural healthy way?

To understand what causes indigestion, you really need to understand what good digestion is, how it works and why it's critical to good health. It's an enormous subject, way too big for this small space, so instead of reading it here, I suggest that you buy yourself a copy of Dr Robert Young's book The PH Miracle and focus on the first four chapters.

In the meantime, here is a very general overview of the most likely causes and symptoms and what you can do about them.

Do you 'wolf' your food? Ie. eat quickly without pausing for breath or stopping to chew? Do you eat a lot of greasy and/or spicy foods? Would you say you eat too much in one sitting? Eg. do you ever think to yourself, "I'm stuffed!"?

I mentioned 'bottom burps' last week...

Occasional wind from either end is pretty normal, but excessive burping and flatulence is not. Along with heartburn and (I'll whisper this bit 'cos people get embarrassed) ...smelly poos, they are signs of poor digestive function.

Eat more 'high water content' and 'low sugar' foods. The alkalising foods I've mentioned before. Cut down on 'high sugar', 'high protein' foods which will increase acidity in your stomach. This means avoiding all those spicy curries and junky fried foods. Heavy, creamy foods and full fat cheeses should also be off the menu. Caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks should be dumped in favour of herbal teas and fresh juices. Fennel, peppermint and camomile teas are all a good idea too.

Whatever you do, don't just reach for the antacids and ignore it! Love yourself, love your tum and tackle the problem not the symptoms.

EzineArticles Expert Author Claire Raikes

Claire Raikes is a Wellbeing Coach, Speaker and Writer who 'cured' herself of a chronic, disabling and potentially life-threatening bowel condition without the use of steroids, surgery or any other traditional medical intervention. She now shares her passion for natural and vibrant health through coaching, speaking and writing about the importance and power of a truly healthy diet.

She publishes a free weekly eZine, In Essence and is compiling an eBook of Healthy Fast Food with 25% of the proceeds going to The Cancer Project, a charity set up by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and nutritionists to educate the public on the benefits of a healthy diet for cancer prevention and survival. If you have a recipe you would like to submit, visit for further details. To book Claire to speak at your event, email her at