In this text you can read a highly effective, systematic and structured process to achieve your goals. You will be shown how you can use a NLP technique to make your spiritual development effective. NLP studies the structure Of how people think and how they experience the world. The models that were developed during this research resulted in a series of techniques that allow you to quickly change thoughts, behaviors and beliefsystems that hold you back. S M A R T The first step in attaining your goal is to decide what your goal is and then follow the steps from the SMART- principle. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed. Specific:Define the goal you want to achieve as specific as you can. What do you want exactly? This causes your subconscious, or Unhilipili in Huna, to be pointed on your targeted goal with laser precision.An example of a specific goal is: "I want to reach 2% more sales this month." A not specific goal is for example: "I want to be a better salesperson." Measurable:Be sure that the goal you want to achieve is measurable. Make it so that you can see if you get closer to your goal or that you are moving away from it. If you notice that you are getting closer to your goal, you know you are on the right track and you can optimize the method you are using. If on the other hand you notice you are moving further away from your goal, it is time to change your strategy, check what is going wrong with the technique you are using and perhaps go for a different method. You can not do this if you don't have a measurable goal.A goal that is not measurable is for instance: "I want more psychic skills."A measurable goal is: "I want to be able to feel energy and I want to get into a trance quickly." Attainable:Make sure that your goal is attainable. Sure you can set very big goals, nothing wrong with that, its even a positive thing. But make sure you have enough small goals, small steps to obtaining that bigger goal. This allows you to evaluate how you are doing and keep track of what you might have to adjust.A goal that is to big and not attainable might be: "I want a villa." With smaller steps, you might reach that goal step by step. For example you might first work to pay the rent of your apartment, save a little to buy a house and then keep earning and saving money for your villa." Realistic:Set a realistic goal. Realistic for you. What is realistic for you might be something different than for someone else and will change when your abilities and skills increase.Unrealistic might be: "I will meditate 1 hour each day immediately when I arrive from work.".It might be more realistic for you to meditate a couple of times each week and keep that up until you have reached the level you desired. Timed:Set a deadline. Decide when you want to have reached your goal. If you don't time achieving your goal, you might put it off. If you put it off once, it becomes easier to put it off for a second time.This smart method can be used for all your goals on a materialistic and on a spiritual level. For instance when you do ritual work with a specific goal in mind, you can use the SMART- principle verry well. Ku'un Aru