Vacation Rental in Italy

Vacation rentals in Italy, whether an apartment in central Rome, a villa in Tuscany, a lovely apartment in historic Florence, or a palace overlooking a canal in Venice, are so appealing and romantic. The photos are beautiful; you can picture yourself sipping Chianti Classico as the sun sets behind the Tuscan hills. But vacation rentals are not for everyone. Our experience with sending vacationers to Italy for a number of years has resulted in this set of questions which you can use to help determine whether you would enjoy a rental vacation in Italy.

Are you staying less than five nights?

Most vacation rental apartments in Italy require a one week stay, a few will accept less. Typically, you need to stock your kitchen and buy essentials such as toilet paper. If you will be spending just a few nights in one place, stay in a hotel and spend your time enjoying your destination rather than buying supplies. Short stays may make sense if you are renting in several spots because you