Is Your Fear Hindering Your Networking Success?

If anything in business history is consistent, it is this one fact: those who risk big, win big. Think Bill Gates and how at 19-years old (and dropping from Harvard), he transformed his little garage project into what we have come to know as the biggest and arguably most influential software company in the world. All over the world people may differ in their like or dislike of this big risk-taker, but one thing is certain-he took his risks and it paid off. He became, and up until now, successful. Risks in fact come in all shapes and sizes, most especially in a networking business. Networking, defined, is interacting and exchanging information with the intent of creating mutual benefits and support. More than anything, therefore, networking is about creating relationships with people you interact with everyday. This means that what you do, essentially, is creating meaningful relationships in order to achieve a degree of gain for yourself and your company. As such, a networking business shares many characteristics with life in general and how you deal with the fears that come with it. Have you considered the fact that your fears-of interactions, of risks, of connecting with others-killing your networking business? The first step in a networking business is going to networking seminars. The fear of getting involved with a larger group of people in this aspect is a clear burden to your business. Why so? These open avenues to meet professionals and individuals from your same business clique is something that will allow you to optimize strategies for survival. Not only do you lose the possibility of creating valuable linkages with other companies by not going to these functions, you may even risk the loss of business 'friends' who may help you or give advice to you when the going gets tough. Personal decisions surrounding these networking seminars may also be creating a hindrance to you. What do you wear? What impression do you want to make? How are you to act around other people? While these are indeed important questions to ask yourself at any rate, never forget the fact that the primary purpose of attending these seminars is creating the necessary linkages that are the lifeline of your business. Your fear that roots from the previously mentioned questions may easily be remedied by always trying to appropriately dress and act for the occasion. Events provide dressing guidelines. Moreover, trying to concentrate on what you want to achieve will likely help you focus better on the core of your business while you interact with other people. This sort of focus will in effect remove your inhibitions and worries, thus allowing you to be at your performance peak at all times. Because networking is about getting to know people and knowing of their interests, the best attitude you can bring to your business is that willingness to listen to other people, and the interest in other people. By becoming interested and showing interest in what other people do, you create a genuine connection with other people, especially because they know you are listening. Moreover, it will shift your attention from your personal fears and worries, and will instead divert it to engaging whoever you are conversing with. Putting an end to worry and fear will not only give you a fun time while you run your marketing business, but it will also allow your business to be rewarding for you in more ways than one. Showing interest in other people eventually gives you a chance to enjoy pleasant company, work on your networking business, and moreover, may be carried over to a continued relationship beyond the precedent meeting. After all, showing genuine interest in other people precludes following up in the business relationship you have created. Should you have let your fears get the best of you, you not only lose on a potentially rich market, but also the opportunity to create lasting linkages for your business. What's the greater loss when fear actually gets the best of you, and you're in a networking business? Consider the basic idea of networking-one person knows 100 people, and these 100 people know 100 more each. Overall, the fear that will stop you from interacting from one person will in effect effectively cut you off a huge network of other people whom you need to make your business succeed. In networking, the number of opportunities exist at an exponential scatter, and without fear in creating one single business relationship, you already open doors to a universe of potential profit. Without fear, you can fully capitalize on the very foundations of networking-that of an exponential market increase at every step. Make that important link today-and don't let that fear stop you!