Corporate gifts

For all those who innocently enquire- why would a profit hungry corporation start distributing corporate gifts to anybody, here is some information that will come as a surprise. Distribution of Corporate gifts has been one of the oldest management techniques to either motivate its employees or reach out to the customers. How does giving gifts help? Corporate gifts are effective in boosting employee morale and popularizing the image of the company amongst its customers. The logic behind the concept of corporate gifts is very simple. Everybody loves a free lunch. Everybody loves to get something for nothing in return. Whenever people get a gift from somebody, they feel very happy about the whole thing. The gift may be something as small as a toffee or something as big as a vacations package for two. What use can gifts be put to in corporations? Imagine you are the employee of a huge corporation. You are one of the many hundred persons working in your department. The entire department works as a team to contribute to the success of the company. However, you are not very satisfied with the job. There is absolutely no sense of achievement. You feel as if you are nothing but a nameless and faceless cog in a huge machine. You feel that your work is not valued at all. You feel frustrated but cannot quit because the pay is good. You walk into the office to see your name on the notice board. You and your colleagues have been awarded ten percent additional payment for the wonderful work done by the department on the previous project. How do you feel? In word- recognized. You feel great that somebody up there appreciated the work done by you- not with words alone but in a material way. Further, the notice says that ten best employees will win an all expenses paid trip for two to... Paris. I can bet my last dollar that you and your teammates will work your heart out to win that prize. The end result that your hard worked results in a huge boost in the companies earnings. How did this increase come about? It is not as if you and your colleagues were not working before. The difference is that of motivation. Before the corporate gift happened, you were completely demoralized. After receipt of the corporate gift and the news of the challenge, your job seems a lot more exciting. Once the motivation has increased, your find your productivity rising. You are ready to put in that extra effort and walk that extra mile. The high level of motivation is seen in the results- fabulous profits for the corporation. The reality is that corporate gifts satisfy that primal urge of all men- recognition.