Mediation And Its Benefits

Mediation is an alternative to litigation when disputes arise. Mediation is also known as arbitration. Mediation does not offer any guaranteed or specific results. Mediation is only a means of coming to a decision about a running dispute, keeping the interests of all parties or people in dispute. Some advantages of using mediation as a way of resolving disputes are: Mediation is comparatively much less expensive compared to litigation or any other ways of fighting. Settlements are rapidly reached compared to courts where dates are given out by the years. Appeals in a court would take a few years to come to hearing. Comparatively mediation becomes a better alternative and saves time by coming to rapid decisions without wasting the precious time of parties involved. Courts are generally looked upon as a third party. Most people feel that decisions handed out by courts or third parties are not to their satisfaction, whereas mediation is a all participatory process, so the parties feel that they have come to decision mutually and are satisfied. Since the parties are satisfied, compliance to the decisions is more. Mediation becomes more popular due to this fact. Mediated settlements are capable of handling legal and extra-legal issues. Mediated agreements are known to cover many procedural and psychological matters that need not be susceptible to legality. Custom made settlements are possible depending upon circumstances. People generally are of the feeling that they can handle their own issues than through representatives like lawyers. Due to this personal touch in reaching the solution compliance becomes a personal commitment and hence results in personal empowerment and better solution. Since mediation through professional mediators take place in an amicable manner, the decisions reached do not tend to damage future relationship between the parties. Even if the termination of a relationship is on the cards, it happens in a more amicable way leaving room for future endeavors. Since decisions are arrived at agreement o all parties, they are more workable and realistic as per the circumstances. The decisions are more tailor made and accounts for more compliance.