Online Registration Success: Make Signing Up Easy

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? It stands for 'Keep It Simple, Stupid.' It seems obvious that you should make it easy to sign up for your event but are you really making it easy?

People Hate Hurdles and Hoops

Think about your prospective attendee. Are they a busy professional trying to squeeze in some extra training? Are they the head of human resources for a small non-profit trying to learn the latest techniques? Are they workers in the high-tech industry looking for the latest and greatest technology? In any case, they are considering registering for your event, so why not make it easy?

Give your prospective attendees as many opportunities as possible to say "yes" to your event. How many times have you come across an event you've wanted to attend... only to have to sort through web pages to try to find the small "register here" text link hidden at the bottom of a page. This means lost registrants and revenue.

Do it for Them, and Yourself

Having a confusing sign up process also means more staff time used for directing people where to go. Display the sign-up link prominently on your home page, in the navigation bar, certainly on every page that discusses the event, at the bottom of emails (in the signature), and include the URL on your printed materials.

Your prospects want to register, and you want them to register, so remember to keep it simple.